Thursday, November 29, 2007

Thing 7-Podcasts

My "library-oriented" podcasts both had to do with children's literature. I found a podcast of booktalks of children's books. This will help me as I plan booktalks to take out to the Skokie schools. The other "library-oriented" podcast I discovered was a podcast that offers me interviews of well-known children's authors. I think it would be great to offer these on our website and to publicize this to teachers. If a teacher was doing a class unit on a certain book by a particular author the teacher could show her students a podcast interview with the author. Ths would make authors more accessible to kids.

As for what type of podcasts the Library should offer. Maybe we could offer booktalks of our VOYA books. Some schools just can't work it into their daily schedules to have library staff visit their classroom to deliver a booktalk. This is a way we could take the booktalks to them without directly visiting the classroom. The teacher could run the podcast when it worked best in their schedule.

Prior to this exercise, my only experience with podcasts was watching episodes of Grey's Anatomy from the ABC website. I did this before I got a DVR. How did I live before my DVR?!?!?!

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